Baptism / RCIA

Congratulations on the birth of your child! The Catholic Church and our faith community share in your joy as you bring forth your child to the Sacrament of Baptism. At St. Francis, we honor your role as parents as the first and best teachers in the ways of faith and seek to support you in the faith development and experience of the child and family. Therefore, if you live in the area, we ask you to register in our parish community and join in the sacramental and community life here. To register as a member, you may find the registration form under the Parish Life "Join Us" tab. In addition to registration, a Baptism Preparation Session is required for all new parents. We will review the theology of the sacrament, go over the Rite of Baptism that you will celebrate and set a path toward fulfilling the promise of raising your child in the practice of the Catholic faith. We encourage you to come before your child is born and is required for first born children and if you are new to the community. If you have attended this session within the past three years, you need not repeat it. The preparation session generally lasts about an hour. The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated during Mass or during a special liturgy at your convenience and Fr. Mark's schedule. Baptisms are generally not celebrated during the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas and Lent. To register for the next baptism preparation session or to schedule the celebration of the baptism, please call the parish office.

The Catholic Church welcomes new adult members (those who have never been baptized and those who have been baptized in another Christian tradition) through The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). The RCIA is a process of welcoming people into our faith community by reflecting on the Word of God, discussing the Catholic beliefs and practices, and expressing our faith in prayer. The program runs September through May with the celebration of Christian Initiation during the Easter Vigil. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the RCIA, or what it means to be Catholic, or are Catholic and are interested in renewing your faith or being a parish sponsor, please call the parish office.